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Step-by-Step Guide to Volunteering with LPEP

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

Volunteering with LPEP is as easy as 1-2-3. Follow the three steps outlined below so you can begin volunteering with us.

Anyone who enters any of the school buildings as an LPEP volunteer is required to follow this process.

Step 1: Obtain your clearances

All volunteers must have the following clearances: (click on the links to access)

Step 2: Submit clearances

Once obtained, take original clearance documents to the school building(s) where you'll be volunteering with a signed copy of the Acknowledgement of Volunteer Obligations .

The administrative staff will review your clearances and will make a copy to keep in the district files. The originals will be returned to you.

Step 3: Watch email for opportunities

Opportunities to volunteer will be communicated via email. Keep a close watch on your inbox and sign up following the directions included.

All mandatory forms are also available on the school district' website:

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