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Special Election: We Want You!

LPEP is seeking two new board members for the 2024-2025 school year!

Could you be the right fit? Here's what you'll do!

Recording Secretary:

  • Keep and maintain accurate records of the proceedings of the Organization.

  • Handle any necessary correspondence, keep files, and perform clerical work for the Organization.

  • Record and distribute minutes of all LPEP Board meetings and all LPEP general membership meetings.

  • Provide copies and review of previous meeting minutes for distribution to the general membership.

  • If a phone vote is necessary, the Secretary takes and records the vote.

  • Act as custodian of all records, except those specifically assigned to others, and promptly deliver all records to his/her successor.

  • Gather and maintain annually signed Conflict of Interest statements.

  • Notify Officers, Teacher Liaisons, and/or other persons of their election.

  • Notify Officers and Teacher Liaisons of each LPEP Board meeting and/or changes to previously scheduled general membership meetings.

  • Manage the membership list and update email distribution lists for the Communications Director as needed.

Communications Director:

  • Manage all public communications and marketing for LPEP, including but not limited to email broadcasts, website maintenance and updates, and social media management.

  • Conduct the organization's correspondence and bring received correspondence to the meetings.

  • Post approved meeting minutes to the LPEP website.

  • As needed, assist with flyers, social media graphics, or other marketing materials.  

General Board Duties:

  • Transact necessary business in the intervals between LPEP general membership meetings and other companies that may be referred to by the organization.

  • Create standing and special committees as necessary to conduct the work of LPEP.

  • Approve routine bills.

  • Approve any proposed expenditures of discretionary funds that exceed $1,000.

  • Identify fundraising opportunities and develop and execute yearly fundraising schedules.

  • Participate in fundraising and volunteer events.

Got questions? Email Tessa Seigworth, LPEP President, at

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