Josie Crame
Virginia Mangialardi
Tina Raub
Miste Wiegand
Kayla Whalen
Shannon Waldschmidt
Tessa Seigworth
Sarah Parks
Samantha Abate
Jackie Jaros
Jennifer Cavalancia
Jodi Vanderschaaf
Melissa Eck
Jen Kotts
Michelle Ortlip
Julie Jenny
Christine Windows Destinee Lovich OLD BUSINESS
Surveys sent out to staff and family and we had a lot of feedback.
Playground equipment has been delivered.
Wanted to be more involved at homecoming – not allowed to set up a table.
Sign-up genius made for the whole entire year.
Cookie Dough Sale 9/18-10/6 – Flyers have been received; a document will be typed up to prevent errors in counting.
Doing this in place of Appleicious
MS Book Fair 9/20-9/22
Flyers and posters will be up the week of 9/11
Book Fair can be in the Aerobic room
Sign up genius going out this week.
West Deer festival 9/23-9/24 - Going to be offering DIY friendship bracelet making kits and stickers. Volunteers will be needed. Also, people will be able to sign up and donate on site.
CPC Book Fair – chairperson needed. 10/2-10/4 and at open house.
Principals will check with the tech guys about getting us on our own network for individual book fairs.
Middle School – Appreciates the collaboration with them and LPEP.
Team building activity was on Friday and a huge success.
Working on PBIS incentives.
This or that survey going out to students.
Teachers are looking into field trips – could be at any point in the school year.
7th grade looking into getting a scholarship for their field trip.
Open house will be set up the same as last year with 3 stations, hot dogs and Kona Ice will be there.
East Union – EU Book Fair 10/10-10/12. Open house will be on 2 separate nights 10/11 and 10/12.
Picture day 10/19
5th grade field trip 12/13
LPEP is allowed to set up a table for Open House
Curtisville – LPEP was a big help on the first two days of school.
Parent square started – getting good feedback – replacing Skyward/ClassDojo/Remind messages.
Receive PTO fundraiser for Little Caesar’s – will share link with the board to decide if we want to move forward.
CheddarUP account set up so payments can be made online.
Made $705 via cheddar up
$450 in dues - joining
$255 – donations
Checking $6,839.39
Savings $32,504.57
Check will be going out for 5th grade field trip
CLO – $2,502.00
3 busses - $724.20
Josie reported how much the bussing costs us and LPEP might not be able to cover bussing in the future.
Miste made the motion to approve payments.
Julie Second
Membership directory will be completed soon.
New Website has been launched. Calendar on front page will be updated frequently.
With fundraising, a document will be created with all fundraisers and will let parents know what the fundraiser is funding.
Communication forms being sent out. Anything to be sent to secretaries goes through Miste. Anything for the website or Facebook posts will go through Shannon.
Monthly newsletter will go out on Wednesday.
Tessa has 117 companies on her list for sponsorship. Going to try to have everything mailed by 10/1 1. Sponsors will have the option to choose what they are sponsoring i.e., second grade dance snacks, bussing for a field trip, etc.
Going to be using fundraisers that bring in more money.
Read a thon will be launched in the spring.
If you have chaired a fundraiser in the past, email Tessa any tips you have that made it successful.
Middle School – Open house on 9/21. Going to have LPEP set up a table.
Katie Mangieri and Jackie Jaros are the co-teacher liaisons for the MS.
Team Building Day was on Friday.
East Union – Co-teacher liaisons are Mrs. Ritz and Mrs. Lovich
Curtisville – Book Fair 10/2-10/4, Open House 10/4, Picture Day 10/5
Teacher liaison is Miss Eck.
Apparel - $6,700 in apparel sold for a profit of $1,300
Hoping to have a holiday apparel sale
Yearbook – Going to stay with LifeTouch for at least one more year. Miste is going to be looking into new companies for next year.
By-Laws – Tessa is still working on them
Julie Jenny would like to submit last years yearbook to Lifetouch – could win $300
Miste makes the motion to submit pending Mrs. Cavalancia’s approval
Kayla 2nd
Pencil machines
Kayla made the motion to get rid of them
Miste 2nd
Tina made a motion to keep MS pencil machine
Sarah 2nd
Holiday shop – Going to go with a company for holiday shop this year. Board is going to pick whichever company is offering better promotions at the time.
Kayla made the motion to adjourn.
Miste 2nd