Date: 11/1/2023
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: East Union Library
Josie reported CPC Open House was very busy and moving the Book Fair into the Library worked out well.
Miste reported the Book Fair Sales in both schools were over $8,000 each.
Josie reported on EU Oen House and that there were a lot of participants.
Picture Day went very well with the help of the parent volunteers and pictures were finished early. The staff sent by Lifetouch were given accolades for how well the day went.
Cookie Dough pickup will be 11/2 6-8pm at the MS. Help needed on 11/2 4-6pm with sorting orders. Total sales were over $10,000 and our profit was $4,200.
Sarris Holiday Sale began and ends on 11/13. Pickup will be on 12/7.
A sign up has been sent out for volunteers to help with decorating after school on 11/6.
An order needs to be placed for small flags with thank you tags which will be handed out to veterans.
Julie made the motion to order the flags.
Tina 2nd
Josie and Tessa wrote a letter of engagement which will be sent out via ParentSquare.
The board voted to not fill the EU Liaison position for the rest of the term.
The Bylaws are still a work in progress. The Board has reviewed them and there are still a few changes to be make. Voting on them is projected for January.
Holiday apparel sale has started – pickup will be 12/13-15
Actual profit from the last sale was $$2,692.
Picture retake days:
CPC – 11/17
MS/EU – 11/20
Tessa is going to chair Family Dinner Nights.
November will be an in-restaurant event – TBD
Spring – McTeacher Night at McDonalds in Gibsonia
Another Dinner night in the spring - TBD
MS Game Night is cancelled.
“You’ve Been Elfed” name changed to “You’ve Been Snowballed” – Justine Slavin will chair.
Nothing Bundt Cakes will be chaired by Shelly Nulph.
Gingerbread houses for Kindergarten will be done on 12/1 – LPEP is purchasing 3 tubs of frosting and graham crackers.
Due to a conflict with the EU schedule, December’s meeting will be cancelled. Next meeting is 1/3/2024
Julie Jenny will chair both Holiday Shops.
CPC Holiday Shop – Setup on 12/4, Sale 12/5-12/7
EU Holiday Shop – Setup 12/7, Sale 12/8, 12/11-12
MS Sarris candy bar sale will be 11/30-12/1 and 12/5-6 in the morning before school starts. Pickup will be 12/7 with a deliver by date of 12/14.
Principal – Absent, Miss Jaros - None
Liaison – PBIS prizes have been delivered. Sarah Parks did help out in the workroom.
Principal – Absent
Liaison – Josie reported the bags and cards for Veteran’s Day had been purchased. LPEP donated the beads from the Fall Festival to EU for Kindness Day. Will need 1 volunteer for picture retake day for each school.
Principal – Absent
Liaison – CPC Holiday Shop will be moved to the music room. LPEP received a request for equipment and décor to be purchased for recharge room from Staff Appreciation Week budget. Due do budget being cut in half – request denied.
Vice President – Absent
Secretary – None
Treasurer –
Checking Account - $5,000.43
Savings - $37,476.65
Scholastic Bookfairs – paid Scholastic for all 3 sales
• Curtisville
$1,600 – Scholastic Dollars
$1,231 – Cash Profit
• East Union
$0.00 – Scholastic Dollars
$1,911 – Cash Profit
• Middle School
$258 – Scholastic Dollars
$0.00 – Cash Profit
Cookie Dough Sale Profit - $4,272
Apparel Sale - $2,692
3rd & 5th Grade Field Trips are paid in full
Virginia sent email to Dr. Abate about field trip transportation costs for next year, she passed the email along to the new transportation contacts, Ms. Swauger and Mr. Snyder.
Communications Director-
Newsletter is seeing a lot of engagement – members agreed it is helpful to have.
The post for opinions on apparel logo was a hit and a lot of people participated via Facebook. – Be sure to like, share, and comment on LPEP’s posts to ensure maximum reach.
Fundraising Director-
Business sponsorship letters going out this week.
Total fundraising profit to date - $10,105.90
Julie Jenny – LPEP site link on DL site not working. Shannon will follow up with Shawn.
Tina – Shoe drive fundraiser for the MS – tabled until next year.
Shannon - Family Fun Night at North Park Skating rink $200 for 3 hours.
Melissa made the motion to adjourn the meeting.
Julie 2nd